Shackan Band NłeʔKepmxcin
Language Camp
Shackan Language camp was fabulous, thank you everyone who came & for all your planning and hard work to make this happen! Teachers for coming out and teaching, members, guests, youth and
elder’s thank you for attending and making this language camp a great success!! Here are a few testimonials from some of the attendees…
“My Friend Gloria & I took the language camp both days at Chataway Lake Resort. We had a wonderful time, we sure had fun being with & talking with NłeʔKepmxcin speakers. We enjoyed hearing their stories & learning from them. Kʷukʷscemx ʷ to the Shackan Band, Debra Manuel & everyone who attended the language camp, I look forward to next year!" All My Relations - Rena Sam
"Our first language camp - what fun! Cold but we learned lots. My husband, Lee & I would practice the words in bed (no shenanigans) all covered up trying to keep warm. It was good opportunity to learn & I think it helped being on the land. It just felt 'right'. Thank you for organizing such an educational, learning activity! Looking forward to the language conference in November" - Linda Epps

"I really enjoyed it, lots of laughter was shared. I am already looking forward to next year & would recommend it to everyone, it was so much fun!" - Jimmy Toodlican

Annual Family Campout
Huge shout out to everyone involved for making this happen all your planning and hard work was greatly appreciated! Thank you to the instructors, youth, elders for teaching and helping with each event and the cooks for all the delicious meals. Thank you to all of you Shackan members for making this event a success, without all of you there would be no campout!

Debra would like to thank Yvonne, Hank, Tabitha, Toby, Hunter, Vera, Ranger, Lee & River Anderson. The Cooks, Christine Anderson & Martha Chiillihitzia. CNA youth workers Kay, Daphne, Cory & Clinton. A special thank you to our Chief Jordan Joe for coming & all of your support & to all of you that travelled to be apart of our language & family camp. Thank you!!